Matthew Hayes
When did you decide to be a pastor?
I first felt the call to ministry when I was in high school. I continued feeling my call throughout college, and decided to attend Duke Divinity School to see if I could understand how God was calling me to serve. While I was at Duke Divinity School, I realized that I was being called to serve local churches- like Burgaw United Methodist Church!
When did you join Burgaw United Methodist Church?
I was appointed by the Bishop to Burgaw United Methodist Church in the Summer of 2021. This is my first appointment, and I can’t imagine a better place to begin my ministry. The church has been incredibly supportive and understanding as I learn to be a pastor, and they show their love to me every day.
What is your favorite part of being the pastor at Burgaw United Methodist Church?
What I love the most about being the pastor at Burgaw UMC is the ability to live with my congregation. Life can be difficult, stressful, and dark, but life can also be beautiful, joyful, and exciting. I love being able to be with my congregants no matter the stage of life they are going through. I love being able to walk alongside my congregants as they go through the good days and the bad.
How do you spend your free time?
I like to spend my free time with my wife, my friends, and my cat. I particularly enjoy playing Disc Golf, watching Wake Forest University Football, and reading.
Do you have a family?
My wife, Julia, is also a United Methodist pastor. She is currently serving at Wrightsville United Methodist Church. We do not have children, although we are raising a very vocal black cat named Vinny.