
At Burgaw United Methodist Church, we serve Communion on the first Sunday of every month.

Burgaw UMC practices Open Communion which invites everyone to receive Holy Communion, whether or not they are members. At Burgaw UMC, those who receive Communion will be invited to come and stand or kneel at the altar rail to receive the elements as a group. After the group has been served, the pastor will dismiss the group from the rail with a blessing. If anyone is unable to leave their seat to receive Communion, we will gladly go to them to offer Communion. As part of inviting everyone to receive Holy Communion, we offer gluten-free wafers to any who desire them for Communion.

At our church, there’s no such thing as a stranger. Here’s what to expect when you come on Sunday.

Sunday School

110 E Bridgers Street, Burgaw, NC 28425