Adult Ministries

Something for Everyone

Adult Sunday School

We offer an adult Sunday school class every Sunday morning at 10 am in the church fellowship hall.

Thursday Prayer Group

Every Thursday morning at 10 am, we offer a time to pray for our siblings in Christ on our prayer list, as well as lift up prayers and concerns for ourselves and others.

Bible Studies

Throughout the year, we offer a variety of Bible Studies. Our next Bible study will be taking place in October on Wednesday nights from 6 pm to 7 pm. This will be a four-week study focusing on the Psalms and how we can bring the Psalms into our faith journeys. During Advent, we will be beginning a Bible Study on the Book of Isaiah.

At our church, there’s no such thing as a stranger. Here’s what to expect when you come on Sunday.

Sunday School

110 E Bridgers Street, Burgaw, NC 28425